Learn React, Node.js, MongoDB, Express, and other technologies in one go! This course will introduce you to modern JavaScript-based web development. The main focus is on building single page applications with ReactJS that use REST APIs built with Node.js.
Welcome to COMP 227! This website will serve most of the instructional material for the course. Think of it as a textbook++. It will be changing! Once a module is ready, I will provide a link via the course contents. Please be patient with me as we make all of those changes happen throughout the semester.
You can discuss the course and related topics in our dedicated group on Discord and via Canvas.
Credits & License
This course has been modified from its original form and tailored specifically for use at the University of the Pacific by Osvaldo Jiménez. Please make sure that if you are in the course that you follow always what is on the comp227 site (make sure any URL from this course points to comp227.djosv.com base URL).
Parts 0-7 of the course material were originally authored by Matti Luukkainen. The content of part 8 was originally written by developers from Terveystalo. Part 9 was originally written by Kalle Ilves. Numerous people have improved and corrected the material both in content and spelling. You can also make improvements to the course material yourself. The course webpage was designed and created by Houston inc, who also audited the content of the original course material, from which this course is based on.
The course material is licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 license, which means that you are free to use and distribute the material, as long as the names of the original authors are not removed. If you make changes to the material and want to distribute the modified version, it must be licensed under the same license. Using the material for commercial purposes is forbidden without permission.